We are pretty excited to invite everyone to the lab opening ceremony on October 8 at 3 pm. There will be refreshments (yes, that means free pizza!) and some good ol’ bubbly to keep the conversation flowing. Zuza has promised to bake a mystery cake, which some sources claim will look like a hedgehog. Even though Zuza has already started doing some preliminary experiments, we are only just celebrating lab opening because Monika the postdoc has now arrived from faraway Switzerland to join our efforts to decipher the Hedgehog pathway and have fun in the process. Don’t feel pressured to be on time. We will have some preliminaries around 3 so if you can make it – great, but we will hopefully keep having fun throughout the afternoon, so if you are stuck in the dark room developing these Westerns, don’t stress out – we will have a fresh bottle of champagne waiting for you at 4˚C. The contact info is here. Hope to see you all on Thursday!