The lab opening today was great fun! Thanks everyone for coming and thank you Zuza and Monika for helping me organize everything.
Before the party
Zuza baked two wonderful cakes and decorated everything. It looks so pretty!
The first guests
Our neighbors the Kargul lab showed up first.
The host with a bottle of bubbly
I opened the first bottle of Cava shortly afterwards.
Blowing out the singing candle
The candle on the cake sang happy birthday and looked like lotus blossom. I blew it out and wished for... well I cannot tell you that - otherwise the wish won't come true.
More guests arriving
Mrs. Ewa Jastrzębska and the Wisniewska lab.
The party in full swing
Everyone looks like they are enjoying themselves.
Visiting the lab
The meeting of two worlds - Krzysztof and Agnieszka Kobielak from CeNT and Kasia Piwocka from the Nencki Institute.
The Proszynski lab visiting
My old lab has come to check out my new place.